Saturday, May 16, 2009

struggles in modelling career

The main reason I'm writing about the movie Fashion, because I felt to express something about modelling career. Scenes in this movie , I mean, these incidents are happening in modelling career. It is fact. It is true. Handle success in this career is luck and God's gift. No relation is stable in this career. They have to forget about their relationships, every step seems a new success to them. There won't be a place for love, friendship or anything like that. They have to end up making relations. Sometimes it leads to lose their sanity and takes refuge to drugs and sometimes it leadsto become mad. Offcourse, it depends upon the mindset of a girl. Because this story was similar to the real life of Geetanjali.

Movie Fashion is a real glamour movie. Things shown are most similar to the the actual happenings. And the presentation and performance by the characters made the audience very happy. Story is based on, dream of becoming a model, not a model, super model. The role played by Meghana Mathur was extraordinary.

Priyanka Chopra plays Meghena Mathur who dreams of becoming a super model. Though her conscience does not allow, she beats her small town sensibilities to achieve her dream. She meets up a gay friend who connects her to fashion designer. In the process of her struggle, she meets her model friend played by Arjan Bawa. Priyanka moves in to his place, they end up making love and finally moving out of each other, because Priyanka spends more time with Arbaaz Khan, owner of the brand Panache, for which she is given a lucrative assignment.The Panache assignment which Priyanka gets is the one which was represented by Kangana Ranaut. She is terminated by Arbaaz Khan who puts his favorite Priyanka Chopra instead. He impregnates her and when Priyanka embarrasses Arbaaz in front of his wife, he pulls her down the modeling career. Meanwhile a drug addict Kangana Ranaut being thrown out of the modeling world, dives herself full into cocaine and drug abuse, and becomes mad. Priyanka too cannot handle her success and her termination from Panache, and takes refuge to drugs and spends night with a stranger. She is about to lose her sanity when she sees Kangana Ranaut, in the news and takes the responsibility of taking care of her. Atlast sonali Gujral (Kangana Ranaut) dies in the end of the story...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah a gr8 review. It’s true in every sense. In the field of fashion or glamour if u don’t have some god father like person it’s very difficult to come up. There r many persons who will try to pull down a newcomer on the block. It’s politics throughout. Even if a person fulfills the unethical demands there is no guarantee that what a person is sacrificing for will be fulfilled.
    The other side is that even many new aspirants r ready to indulge in these practices, a shortcut to stardom, sometimes they even forget their past friends with whom they have spent good times.

    Be happy........
