Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nipping and tucking

Day in and day out we keep reading about various cosmetic treatments available in the market wonder as to how many are indeed worthwhile. Does it really matter to see a doctor for excess fat removal, face restructuring, scar revisions, hair transplants?

Article: Cosmetic surgery involves trained surgeons in the field to do an elaborate check on various aspects of your body and skin type before operating. Like any other surgery one has to take medicines for post operative care, without facing any side effects. Shunning all misconceptions, Dr. Anjali Saple, consultant plastic surgeon and cosmetic surgeon at Seven Hills Hospital, speaks to us about some of the treatments offered at the hospital.

Botox and Fillers are face lift procedures for people who have extensive laugh lines, crow's feet and fine wrinkles. The procedures are recommended for people up to 50 yrs of age. One need not to get hospitalized for this procedure and can get home by the same day. This is the only procedure where one needs to come back for repetition every six months.

Rhinoplasty or nose job as it is commonly known, is a one time surgery, costing anything between twenty to thirty five thousand depending on the area of work. Blepharoplasty is yet another face surgery to make sagging eyelids firm. This procedure could cost ten to twelve thousand.

Liposuction is an excess fat removal process and takes about one and half hour for completion. After thorough examination of the patient, the doctor can decide whether the process is required or not. For those unaware, this is not a weight reduction process but a body contouring process.

Weight loss after pregnancy is achievable around the entire body except the abdomen. For such ladies, cosmetic surgery offers Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck. A long procedure taking almost four hours, it also requires one to stay in hospital for two days depending on recovery time. Costing anything from thirty to thirty five thousand, the surgery is recommended for ladies who have completed their family.

Breast augmentation and reduction are common surgeries performed at the hospital. the augmentation surgery is performed through an inconspicuous incision which leaves no scar on the breast. The implants used are of the best quality. Breast reduction done by a new technique wherein the nipple sensation is not altered and there is also no effect lactation. Extremely safe, these procedures cause no harmful effects.

Hormonal imbalance causes men to go bald around the centre of the head leaving hair on the sides. a hair transplant centre of the head leaving hair on the sides. A hair transplant procesure is recommended for the same wherein the hair from the back and sides is transplanted on tho the bals area. A time consuming process, one needs to keep seven to eight hours in hand for the completion of the same.

Other facial reconstructive surgeries offered at the hospital are mole removal, ear lobe repair and scar revision. With proper medication and post operative care one can be up and about on their feet, back to work, within four to five days.

Comparable to any minor surgery like appendix removal, cosmetic surgery today has become a harmless yet effective way of getting 'in shape'. With Dr.Anjali Saple's expertise one needn't go abroad anymore for cosmetic surgery. Trained in Mumbai, she has been in Vizag for seven years now. She travels abroad for honing her skills further and has been to US for a month long training and Brazil for a three weeks' training in the last year.

issued from - Yo Vizag!


Clinic: Seven Hills Hospital, Vizag
Contact: 9848085572

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