Wednesday, May 13, 2009

how do I handle things?

As concerned to my career, I'm experiencing minor and major life challenges. Only good reputation doesn't satisfy anyone. I guess I have to be stronger than before. Patience is must. I don't know, how I can handle the struggles on my own, based on my career. It's pressuring me from every side, threatening to crush me and break me. I'm panicked and seeking for new achievement. I'm struggling with my decision making and frankly saying I have been confused how to deal with people. The journey in decision making may be a difficult and lengthy one. I hope God will be with me. I want to leave everything to him. I think there might be some steps to deal with people; I may have to know about something like that...ah... To say, It's not been a smooth ride I'm experiencing.

Life is too precious and short to waste time. I guess, I'm in a not so hot situation, but have to try better than that! I could come out of it. My day hasn't come yet.

I really try to keep a good attitude....but this struggles getting me to be crushed.....
Ah...! But, this too will pass soon eventually....


  1. best thing in time of crisis be calm and think everything twice before u make a decision....god will always be there with ya...never think he will leave...only thing u have to trust him more...u can surely handle the things :)...i have faith in u...u tc of urself...


  2. hey,
    as far as me life is the best teacher for anyone .............and these problems of different magnitudes are just lessons to make any person face the world and survive
    think before you act...
    never compromise with what you have....
    there is nothing called perfect....
    always aim and aspire high....
    i know u were and will be .....
    problem is called so as it has a solution, so always be in search in search of one....

