Thursday, May 14, 2009

I need to get rid of it

Everytime I believe that time has to come for everything, but I came to know that, we have to create our own time. I must do something to step myself forward. I'm going crazy about the things happening around me, missing small enjoyments and even I'm not being able to concentrate on doesn't seem right to me...Oh! ghosh!! why it is happening to me... For some reason today, all I'm feeling like these days are horrible, suffering pain... For the first time I'm panicked about me.. I cannot feel happy unless I get that which I believe I need, and feeling like loosing my fortune in some way, especially today for some reason.. The pain I'm feeling is very real, very deep and private. I don't know whether my parents or my sisters or my friends are understanding the scope or the depth of the pain I'm carrying...often it's impossible for people around us to understand the scope....

I need to get rid of it.......


  1. no u r not going crazy...its just a feel of frustration in heart and u will surely come out of it soon...u have to be in open with ur parents and sis ...its good thing u open ur heart :)...


  2. hey.................

    whats this pain all about????????
    let me read few more pages of you to get u out of that .....

    believe me ill do it for you...


  3. Hiiiii..... take a chill pill dude, there r times in everyone’s life where u feel like ur loosing the ground. Even in the worst periods don’t crack ur feelings. Enjoy ur life girl, u have a very long life ahead. Don’t be crumpled by temporary setbacks. Open up to ur family & friends in whom u trust a lot and u’ll see pain & agony gone. Sadness when shared is halved, happiness when shared is doubled.

    Be Happy.......
