Saturday, May 2, 2009

nothing lasts forever

When I was reading 'nothing lasts forever' novel of Sidney Sheldon, I felt, I was watching a movie on the screen. Every scene was awesome in my mind. When I was going through the book, it had made me curious to know what the next text on the next page.

This novel was about three young lady doctors... Dr.Page Taylor, Dr.Kat Hunter, Dr.Honey Taft. This was the race of life and death decisions of the opreating room to the tension-packed fireworks of a murder trial.

Tragically, the death of Kat Hunter had broken my heart. She had been murdered when she she was pregnant. Even though she was a doctor she was helpless and was not saved by anyone. Role played by Dr.Page Taylor was fantastic.

I can honestly say, Sidney Sheldon was the best story teller. I love the writing style of him.
To know more about the books of Sidney Sheldon... click here


  1. beautiful review of the book just loved ur words..:)..


  2. sry didnt read this book still gotto read and then post a comment

