Monday, May 25, 2009

life of Pooja Chopra : Miss India

The words from Pooja Chopra : "The crown didn't come to me very easily. I had to struggle hard. That when I complained to God for not being helpful.

Life has changed completely after winning the Miss India World 2009 title. I am feeling all the more thankful to God for his blessings. I feel that each and every moment of life has been planned and executed by him. Whenever I get a compliment, the first thing that comes my mind is to thank him. Every night before going to bed, I recall the wonderful moments in my life. I have had my share of struggle both in my personal and professional life. The crown didn't come to me very easily. I had to work hard for two years. And it was during this phase that I complained to him for not being helpful. However I didn't know that he wanted me to enjoy every bit of success after this struggle period gets over. There is no singular incident that makes me feel closer to him. In fact, there are a series of incidents. When I moved to Mumbai to chase my dreams, I struggled a lot. I had to stay all by myself - pay for accommodation, food, commuting and look for work as well. At times, I felt helpless. I asked him why he was giving me a tough time when all I wanted to do was to participate in the beauty contest in the since childhood. Why was not he supporting me? Astonishingly, things started falling into place. I was not too keen to participate in Femina Miss India because of the expenses involved. I thought it would be a double expenditure. However, a friend introduced me to designer from Pune, who agreed to sponser my entire wardrobe for Miss India East. I felt great, but since my budget didn't allow, I asked her to design only for the Miss India contest. But to my surprise, she said that she would design for both and that too free of cost. She said that she had a gut feeling that I would win. Again, a similar thing happened when I met gym - instructor. He owned four gyms in Pune. Though I was aware that I wouldn't be able to meet the expenses that he charged out of curiosity I went to him and enquired about his fee. Surprisingly, he had also the intuition that I would win. Everything was magical about those moments when I was preparing. Finally I won and everyone's gut feeling proved true. Before my victory, I felt responsible for my parents' split that happened 23 years ago when I was born. God planned all these events in my life. It's God's closeness to me that has made all this possible."

As told in interview to Priyanka Bhadani.......

Friday, May 22, 2009

I won't let anyone to take advantage of my kindness

Today I felt, others, I mean, those who are around me, tried to take advantage of my kindness. I tried to find balance between generosity and negativity. My kindness got me a few points with others. Let me see what will happen next... If I get taken advantage of my mood will certainly be spoiled and my faith may be questioned. No, I never let my thoughts go in this way. I'm the same as in the past and will be the same. I won't let anyone to take advantage of my kindness anymore.... sure....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a small moral story

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your children - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter - like your job, your house, your car.

The sand is everything else. The small stuff.”

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.

Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

Saturday, May 16, 2009

struggles in modelling career

The main reason I'm writing about the movie Fashion, because I felt to express something about modelling career. Scenes in this movie , I mean, these incidents are happening in modelling career. It is fact. It is true. Handle success in this career is luck and God's gift. No relation is stable in this career. They have to forget about their relationships, every step seems a new success to them. There won't be a place for love, friendship or anything like that. They have to end up making relations. Sometimes it leads to lose their sanity and takes refuge to drugs and sometimes it leadsto become mad. Offcourse, it depends upon the mindset of a girl. Because this story was similar to the real life of Geetanjali.

Movie Fashion is a real glamour movie. Things shown are most similar to the the actual happenings. And the presentation and performance by the characters made the audience very happy. Story is based on, dream of becoming a model, not a model, super model. The role played by Meghana Mathur was extraordinary.

Priyanka Chopra plays Meghena Mathur who dreams of becoming a super model. Though her conscience does not allow, she beats her small town sensibilities to achieve her dream. She meets up a gay friend who connects her to fashion designer. In the process of her struggle, she meets her model friend played by Arjan Bawa. Priyanka moves in to his place, they end up making love and finally moving out of each other, because Priyanka spends more time with Arbaaz Khan, owner of the brand Panache, for which she is given a lucrative assignment.The Panache assignment which Priyanka gets is the one which was represented by Kangana Ranaut. She is terminated by Arbaaz Khan who puts his favorite Priyanka Chopra instead. He impregnates her and when Priyanka embarrasses Arbaaz in front of his wife, he pulls her down the modeling career. Meanwhile a drug addict Kangana Ranaut being thrown out of the modeling world, dives herself full into cocaine and drug abuse, and becomes mad. Priyanka too cannot handle her success and her termination from Panache, and takes refuge to drugs and spends night with a stranger. She is about to lose her sanity when she sees Kangana Ranaut, in the news and takes the responsibility of taking care of her. Atlast sonali Gujral (Kangana Ranaut) dies in the end of the story...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I need to get rid of it

Everytime I believe that time has to come for everything, but I came to know that, we have to create our own time. I must do something to step myself forward. I'm going crazy about the things happening around me, missing small enjoyments and even I'm not being able to concentrate on doesn't seem right to me...Oh! ghosh!! why it is happening to me... For some reason today, all I'm feeling like these days are horrible, suffering pain... For the first time I'm panicked about me.. I cannot feel happy unless I get that which I believe I need, and feeling like loosing my fortune in some way, especially today for some reason.. The pain I'm feeling is very real, very deep and private. I don't know whether my parents or my sisters or my friends are understanding the scope or the depth of the pain I'm carrying...often it's impossible for people around us to understand the scope....

I need to get rid of it.......

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

how do I handle things?

As concerned to my career, I'm experiencing minor and major life challenges. Only good reputation doesn't satisfy anyone. I guess I have to be stronger than before. Patience is must. I don't know, how I can handle the struggles on my own, based on my career. It's pressuring me from every side, threatening to crush me and break me. I'm panicked and seeking for new achievement. I'm struggling with my decision making and frankly saying I have been confused how to deal with people. The journey in decision making may be a difficult and lengthy one. I hope God will be with me. I want to leave everything to him. I think there might be some steps to deal with people; I may have to know about something like that...ah... To say, It's not been a smooth ride I'm experiencing.

Life is too precious and short to waste time. I guess, I'm in a not so hot situation, but have to try better than that! I could come out of it. My day hasn't come yet.

I really try to keep a good attitude....but this struggles getting me to be crushed.....
Ah...! But, this too will pass soon eventually....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

nothing lasts forever

When I was reading 'nothing lasts forever' novel of Sidney Sheldon, I felt, I was watching a movie on the screen. Every scene was awesome in my mind. When I was going through the book, it had made me curious to know what the next text on the next page.

This novel was about three young lady doctors... Dr.Page Taylor, Dr.Kat Hunter, Dr.Honey Taft. This was the race of life and death decisions of the opreating room to the tension-packed fireworks of a murder trial.

Tragically, the death of Kat Hunter had broken my heart. She had been murdered when she she was pregnant. Even though she was a doctor she was helpless and was not saved by anyone. Role played by Dr.Page Taylor was fantastic.

I can honestly say, Sidney Sheldon was the best story teller. I love the writing style of him.
To know more about the books of Sidney Sheldon... click here