Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today is my mom’s birthday. A birthday is the perfect time to celebrate with all the family members. These birthday greetings are wished most affectionately to her. Actually I would have been at Hyderabad this day, but as the dates were postponed we got the time to spend together. I hope she had a great birthday this time. Dad, mom and we three sisters are very glad; that we have gotten time to spent together and had a little party at home. We let our dad to plan everything on this day. Our pets too did enjoy a lot along with us; Prince and Rabi. (Our dog and rabbit).

I would like to say few words about parents.

Parents are like; they give so much to their children and expect nothing in return but it’s nice when they receive some recognition from their children.

A small poem for those who have not been understanding their parents very well:

When you feel like breaking down or crashing in,
who do you turn to, to forgive your sin?
When you cried your lonely tears,
who will be there to fight your fears?
And when it feels like no one would understand,
who was there to hold your hand?

There are people, whom you can’t replace,
they are the ones who gave you your face.
They will love you through thick and thin,
they show you the light from deep within.
And if by chance, you happen to die,
they will be the ones who really cry.

You see, my friends, there’s no one who can love you more,
than your very own parents, that’s for sure.
Always remember that this is true,
that wherever you go, your parents will be there for you.

This is to you dad and mom….

“It was awesome to have you both. You have been doing fantastic job since we opened our eyes by taking care of us and having personal look on us. You filled our life with the glow of your love and warmth of your care and joy of happiness by knowing that you will always be there. God has blessed us by allowing us to be your daughters. You both are the best and very special in our lives. You taught us everything. You know everything about what we are and us. And mom….! I have not spent without you even a single day. Thanks for always being there for me to take care of and to face obstacles in my profession. I can bet anyone proudly that you are the best caretaker of our family.

Sometimes you might have felt or might feel; that we may not always show our love to you, I know, too well, but it’s not true. We always love you dad and mom…. we’ll be always loving you.”

Once again many more happy returns of the day mom…

1 comment:

  1. beautiful post friend...Happy Birthday to ur mom...may god bless her :) was a wonderful dedication u have given just beautiful...remain the same :)..

