Sunday, April 19, 2009

happiness is harvest, stress is weeds

Today I got up with the message "When people talk behind your back, what does it mean? Simple! It means you are two steps ahead of them!! So keep moving ahead in life! Good morning :)". This message was sent by one of my friend from Hyderabad.

Everytime my dad used to say " If you see it in your mind, you are going to hold it in your hand".
And yes, if you can think what you want in your mind, and make that dominant thought, you will bring it into your life. This was the encouragement I have been receiving from my mom and dad. I hope the days will come soon.

Everyday before going to bed, thinking and thinking, over thinking, no peaceful sleep, brooding and sulking. The days which I expect are not getting nearer. Things are going abnormal in a total disarray. And the every corner of my life is not going on so smoothly as I wanted to be. Days are passing simply with scorching heat in this summer.

I got a new theory to handle this pain....

If unless I'm careful about what goes into mind, bad ideas will drive out the good ideas, resulting in a lot of stress. Each one of us, at night, empties our pockets, and remove our jwelleries into an almirah or a drawer of the dresser. This process has inspired me to empty my mind before going to bed, into the waste basket because bad ideas which I collected today, won't be needed by me tomorrow. If we do not discard these unnecessary thoughts from our minds, those things are bound to poison our minds.

Happiness is harvest, stress is weeds.

Anyway the month April of this year is getting me in a total disrestful way.


  1. truly said...if u can keep the happiness in heart the stress wont even dare to show its face :)..


  2. You're an actress ?? Cool !!! :D

  3. We should be wary of those who talk behind our back, definitely we may be 2 steps ahead of them they always try to pull u 3 steps back, because they r the jealous type. There is a thin line between confidence & over confidence we should never be confused between the two.
    U definitely have a cool theory to handle bad thoughts. Can be adapted by everyone. Definitely I agree there is no point in brooding over any matter. As Lord Krishna said we should do our Karma (work) and the Fruit we follow. We should not have many expectations, because its expectation that r root cause of anxiety & stress. U definitely have a great dad & mom for support.
    urs Manish
