Friday, April 3, 2009


I’ve not been able to update in a while. You see tragically, I have dipped from confusion to disarray of things happening in my field. I’m trying to cover the trodden-ground, still seeking a way out of the morass of my predicament and from some of the gloomy experiences. But sooner or later, I would come out of it, and then I can meet real challenges in life. I guess I should stop whining. And these gloomy experiences are not going to stop achieve my dreams.

In the meanwhile I have crossed a great experience by visiting Naval Dockyard in my place Visakhapatnam.

Wow! Such a great experience was that!!! No-one day can be too significant, but that day really made me feels proud to be an Indian. Though I’m staying in Visakhapatnam, I was not aware of Naval Dockyard in my place…. such a strange thing it is!!

First we stepped on to the DRYDOCKS and SLIPWAY department. All the repairs, installation of torpedoes, and maintenance of war ships take place in this department. It also has facilities to slip/un-slip vessels upto 600 tons. On the average, 5-8 ships are dry-docked and slipway.

This was the picture of submarine at dry dock. Water that seem to us will be sent out through a large hole. And then the repairs will takes place to submarines.

Indian submarine

Secondly we have stepped on to INS Jalashwa, country’s most modern war ship. Two hours is not even sufficient to visit the whole ship. It has a facility to land four helicopters at a time. After the Mumbai terror attack, all the vulnerable places and establishments have come under strict security blanket. If war breaks out between India and Pakistan, Visakhapatnam is likely to be a prime target. According to these sources, the Indian Navy has moved six of its most powerful war ships. These include country’s most modern INS Jalashwa.

I have not really said much about this dockyard. Because I have no time to update right now, I’m supposed to utilize the coming every second to be in my field.Anyhow this trip has made me happy, at least overcoming of unhappiness for one day.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey Prathy Wow nice job.... Do not worry about the obstacles u have faced till now in your life life is a game, who pays well without flaw wins the game, We will have lots of struggle lots of wounds and lots of pains physically and mentally but we have to fight every thing and do our best without stepping out of our morals and ethics then with that spirit you will win the game called life. You will win surely... God is with u.

  3. Hey and about ur Blog u have done a great job... Awesome!!!.. so when i come down to ur city take me to the submarine let me also check whats so special about it.... Cool... so waiting for some more good updates... Wish u all the best for ur Future....

  4. hello first time to ur blog :) was a good read is a game we have to kick the hardness out of it..and the pics of sub's were awesome..being in vizag i know how it feels to see them from close :)...nice blog frnd just blog rolling u :)..have a gr8 day

