Wednesday, April 29, 2009

something in Vizag just have to be experienced

Yo! Vizag

The Submarine Museum, 'Smritika' at skyline at the Vizag shore is located on the serene Rama Krishna beach. This museum was converted from the mighty 1400 ton INS Kurusura, a Russian built Submarine. This was the fourth such museum in the entire world, only one of these kinds in Asian Continent. This submarine museum standing tall against the back drop of mighty waters of Bay of Bengal, attracts many. It gives a rare oppurtunity to visit, experience and learn about the forbidden confines of a Naval Submarine, torpedo rooms, staff quarters, the top secret sonar and radar installations and the submarine control systems. It gives the visitor an understanding about the tiring and tough conditions under which the submariners serve the nation.

So be experienced the visiting of INS Kurusura in RK beach (Ramakrishna beach). The guide will explain you about the role played and glorious record of serving the nation by INS Kurusura.

Photograph of INS Kurusura at Vizag sea shore...

The Submarine museum is open from
Tuesday to Saturdays from 2.00 pm to 8.30 pm
Sundays : 10 am to 12.30 pm and 2.00 pm to 8.30 pm
Monday is holiday for the museum.

I hope you will enjoy the visiting of INS Kurusura at Vizag sea shore.

The new building opened!

This Ugadi, the Airport officials had a special gift for the city, new integrated fully air-conditioned terminal building complex was officially opened. The landing of Jet lite airliner from New Delhi to Vizag (Visakhapatnam) airport marked the occassion. Senior officials of the airport welcomed the passengers by offering sweets and rose buds.

Some photographs of the new construction of Vizag airport.

beautiful.... right?

Passengers were offered sweets and rosebuds :D

The new building is a pleasant and welcome change with a lot of space for passengers and visitors and the modern furniture in the lounges....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

leaving for my small trip

Cool..... It was awfully good of you all that you are expecting much from my blog. I was quite busy these days in rehearsals for the coming event of Hindustan lever Ltd this Sunday, I might be in out of station for some days and I hope I shall be there in time.

Ok, leaving for my trip, shall be updating later...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

this will be my favourite forever

More than any other single artist, Britney Spears was the driving force behind the return of teen pop. I love the albums of Britney. I just wanna mention my favourite song of Britney including lyrics in my blog.....

I'm sitting here alone up in my room
And thinking about the times that we've been through
(oh my love) I'm looking at a picture in my hand
Trying my best to understand
I really want to know what we did wrong
with a love that felt so strong.....

If only you were here tonight
I know that we could make it right

I don't know how to live without your love
"I was born to make you happy"
Coz' you're the only one within my heart
"I was born to make you happy"
Always and forever you and me
That's the way our life should be
I don't know how to live without your love
"I was born to make you happy"

I know I've been fool since you've been gone
I'd better give it up and carry on (oh my love)
Coz' living in a dream of you and me
is not the way my life should be

I don't want to cry a tear for you
So forgive me if I do
If only you were here tonight
I know that we could make it right

I'd do anything
I'd give you my world
I'd wait forever,to be your girl
Just call out my name, and I'll be there
Just to show you how much I care.........

This song is my favourite and will be favourite forever... :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

finding neverland

I was impressed to the film 'Finding neverlands'. It was really heart touching, I can explain you in a cluttered way...

Well-known playwright James M.Barrie (Johny depp) finds his career at a crossroad when his latest play flops and doubters question his future. Then by chance he meets a widow (Kate winslet) and her four adventurous boys. Together they form a friendship that ignites the imagination needed to produce Barrie's greatest work!

Watch this trailer of 'Finding Neverlands'. Do you believe in fairies....!!!

Yes I do believe in fairies after watching this movie....
I too wanna see Neverlands.... :))

Sunday, April 19, 2009

happiness is harvest, stress is weeds

Today I got up with the message "When people talk behind your back, what does it mean? Simple! It means you are two steps ahead of them!! So keep moving ahead in life! Good morning :)". This message was sent by one of my friend from Hyderabad.

Everytime my dad used to say " If you see it in your mind, you are going to hold it in your hand".
And yes, if you can think what you want in your mind, and make that dominant thought, you will bring it into your life. This was the encouragement I have been receiving from my mom and dad. I hope the days will come soon.

Everyday before going to bed, thinking and thinking, over thinking, no peaceful sleep, brooding and sulking. The days which I expect are not getting nearer. Things are going abnormal in a total disarray. And the every corner of my life is not going on so smoothly as I wanted to be. Days are passing simply with scorching heat in this summer.

I got a new theory to handle this pain....

If unless I'm careful about what goes into mind, bad ideas will drive out the good ideas, resulting in a lot of stress. Each one of us, at night, empties our pockets, and remove our jwelleries into an almirah or a drawer of the dresser. This process has inspired me to empty my mind before going to bed, into the waste basket because bad ideas which I collected today, won't be needed by me tomorrow. If we do not discard these unnecessary thoughts from our minds, those things are bound to poison our minds.

Happiness is harvest, stress is weeds.

Anyway the month April of this year is getting me in a total disrestful way.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

my mind and my heart are best assets

I have told you briefly, that why do we have problems...yes, one third of our problems are there because we are alive, and another one third of our problems are created ourselves, and another one third of our problems exist because of ego and greedy....
So always try to think about good. Try to manufacture good thoughts. Then we can avoid stressful things in our lives. Problems create stress to human minds and cause to depression.

How the character of a person made?

Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your actions.
Watch your actions, they become your habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.

We are manhood, don't cheat anyone and don't be cheated by anyone. If our thoughts are good and genious, automically the words we spell will be good, that leads to our behavior, and it become our good habits, at last our character would decided as good. So we are able to reduce stress by not creating problems.

A matchstick has a head, but it doesn't have a brain. Therefore whenever there is a little friction, it flares up immediately. The effects of this flaring up can be devastating; fire can engulf a whole lot of things and cause destruction. We have a lesson to learn from this tiny matchstick. All of us have heads. And unlike the matchstick, we have brains as well. Wisdom lies in not reacting on impulse- a habit of great importance when it comes to reducing stress.

My mind is ruled by my heart. My mind and my heart are best assets. I always keep busy with myself with something or the other because sitting idle at home without any works cause lot of stress. Brooding and sulking is very stressful. So getting involved, getting going, setting goals, getting tired, doing favourites surely kills the stress.

If we are aware of this, then we can able to ensure whatever is good for us. If we want happiness for a lfetime, we should learn to love what we do.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today is my mom’s birthday. A birthday is the perfect time to celebrate with all the family members. These birthday greetings are wished most affectionately to her. Actually I would have been at Hyderabad this day, but as the dates were postponed we got the time to spend together. I hope she had a great birthday this time. Dad, mom and we three sisters are very glad; that we have gotten time to spent together and had a little party at home. We let our dad to plan everything on this day. Our pets too did enjoy a lot along with us; Prince and Rabi. (Our dog and rabbit).

I would like to say few words about parents.

Parents are like; they give so much to their children and expect nothing in return but it’s nice when they receive some recognition from their children.

A small poem for those who have not been understanding their parents very well:

When you feel like breaking down or crashing in,
who do you turn to, to forgive your sin?
When you cried your lonely tears,
who will be there to fight your fears?
And when it feels like no one would understand,
who was there to hold your hand?

There are people, whom you can’t replace,
they are the ones who gave you your face.
They will love you through thick and thin,
they show you the light from deep within.
And if by chance, you happen to die,
they will be the ones who really cry.

You see, my friends, there’s no one who can love you more,
than your very own parents, that’s for sure.
Always remember that this is true,
that wherever you go, your parents will be there for you.

This is to you dad and mom….

“It was awesome to have you both. You have been doing fantastic job since we opened our eyes by taking care of us and having personal look on us. You filled our life with the glow of your love and warmth of your care and joy of happiness by knowing that you will always be there. God has blessed us by allowing us to be your daughters. You both are the best and very special in our lives. You taught us everything. You know everything about what we are and us. And mom….! I have not spent without you even a single day. Thanks for always being there for me to take care of and to face obstacles in my profession. I can bet anyone proudly that you are the best caretaker of our family.

Sometimes you might have felt or might feel; that we may not always show our love to you, I know, too well, but it’s not true. We always love you dad and mom…. we’ll be always loving you.”

Once again many more happy returns of the day mom…

Friday, April 3, 2009


I’ve not been able to update in a while. You see tragically, I have dipped from confusion to disarray of things happening in my field. I’m trying to cover the trodden-ground, still seeking a way out of the morass of my predicament and from some of the gloomy experiences. But sooner or later, I would come out of it, and then I can meet real challenges in life. I guess I should stop whining. And these gloomy experiences are not going to stop achieve my dreams.

In the meanwhile I have crossed a great experience by visiting Naval Dockyard in my place Visakhapatnam.

Wow! Such a great experience was that!!! No-one day can be too significant, but that day really made me feels proud to be an Indian. Though I’m staying in Visakhapatnam, I was not aware of Naval Dockyard in my place…. such a strange thing it is!!

First we stepped on to the DRYDOCKS and SLIPWAY department. All the repairs, installation of torpedoes, and maintenance of war ships take place in this department. It also has facilities to slip/un-slip vessels upto 600 tons. On the average, 5-8 ships are dry-docked and slipway.

This was the picture of submarine at dry dock. Water that seem to us will be sent out through a large hole. And then the repairs will takes place to submarines.

Indian submarine

Secondly we have stepped on to INS Jalashwa, country’s most modern war ship. Two hours is not even sufficient to visit the whole ship. It has a facility to land four helicopters at a time. After the Mumbai terror attack, all the vulnerable places and establishments have come under strict security blanket. If war breaks out between India and Pakistan, Visakhapatnam is likely to be a prime target. According to these sources, the Indian Navy has moved six of its most powerful war ships. These include country’s most modern INS Jalashwa.

I have not really said much about this dockyard. Because I have no time to update right now, I’m supposed to utilize the coming every second to be in my field.Anyhow this trip has made me happy, at least overcoming of unhappiness for one day.