Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I love you Prince and Duke

True and trustful, never doubting,
is my young and handsome brother,
always jolly,
full of fun,
Bright eyes gleaming, like the sun -
Never see him blue or pouting
From the day's break to to this day end...

Often we go out together,
for a ramble far and wide,
catch the breezes.
fresh and strong,
along the road,
swept along,

For we never mind the weather,
when we are side by side.

But my brother is sometimes quiet,
and we have caught his clear black eyes,
gazing at us,
mute, appealing,
yet concealing,
yes yes, he'd like to talk !! well, try it...
"bow,wow,wow", and that's his cry ! my darling... I love you....

It's our PRINCE.

my elder brother

my Prince

How can dog make you smile?
- My duke makes us to smile...
my puffy cute dog with puppy eyes.

How can a dog make you think of life, and other lives,
how can a dog make you realize...
- my duke reminds us everything,
we are always there for him...

How can a dog with puppy eyes,
looking at you trying not to cry?
How can a dog with puppy eyes smiling..?
- My duke will...... my darling!! I love you soo much....

It's our DUKE. - my second brother

my duke...

my younger brother


  1. relation between humans is natural ra but relation between human and innocent pets is really a very beautiful feeling to experience
    u r dam lucky to have pets like prince and duke prathi.Njoy each and every second ra

  2. I too love pets but only problem is my mom doesn't like so i am not enjoying life with pets so at least u be happy...
