Sunday, October 4, 2009

floods havoc down south

It's the national highway 7, which connects Banglore and Hyderabad, has totally vanished under the swollen Krishna in Mahabubnagar district.

Destruction has been causing all over the south in a large scale, and it could cause heavy loss to agricultural fields and to commercial crops. The rising floodwaters marooned the people on to the top of the houses. This year we have floods with more intensity. Through out the year our state had scarcity of water especially in villages, lot of people died due to scarcity of water, but now due to more intensity of water people are being dying.

Government is doing their trials to help the people, by placing motor boats and helicopters to shift the people from villages to any relief camps, and by serving them food sachets and huge quantities of milk packets and biscuits.

I just stayed at home tuning channels, watching TV for long time since two days.. and visakhapatnam is safe as it is hill area... can enjoy the water in the beach and the cool climate and the continuous rain...

Let us pray for the people who are suffering a lot due to these floods....

1 comment:

  1. Hey hi its very good this time u have made an awsome one and sorry i dint know dec 4th is ur birthday any way belated wishes Prathy... Hey Very nice work... Good Keep it up.
