Saturday, June 6, 2009

nice day

It's great feeling when the climate supports me to refresh my mind. I can sense the coolness going into my heart. But I know, it suddenly will split up. :p

When I was small, I thought that all are good in this world. But it's not true... sometimes some unexpected are good and sometimes some expected are not good. I hope to go in a good working order. So I don't worry about what it might be or what will happen and when it will happen, just to enjoy it when it does.

When I was studying in my school, in every parents meeting, the teachers were used to say, be like her by pointing me. My mom and dad were very proud of me and in the same way they were wondered, coz' at home I was very silly girl, at the same time, at school I was very calm and silent. I used to maintain only less friends with more trustable, in the theory like, less luggage is more comfortable.... so, less friends are more trustable. And my friends were also liking to make friendship with me. And my communication with those friends are still going on good. So sweet of them!

Wow! the climate is very cool.... feeling very pleasant...
I'm feeling like, why don't this climate want to be cool forever like this....
I have only less time to spend infront of my system....

1 comment:

  1. its the quality of friends that's important n not the quantity. A friend in need is friend indeed. A friend is a person who will go to any extent with out expecting any thing in return.

    in air conditioned rooms its always cool.. hahaha....... just kidding... i'm too waiting for cool rains & days........
