Monday, June 15, 2009

we have the rights to love anyone only if we keep our promises

Again I have not been able to update my blog from few days. But there was no particular reason for not updating in a while.

Today let me tell you a small incompleted love story....

It was a rainy season, the wind was blowing heavily. She was coming from a shop by finishing her shopping. Her face was covered with her hair because of continous blow of wind. He was not able to see her face for a moment. By the time he was trying to reach her, he fell into a drainage and asked for help. She was behind the drainage and gave him hand and pulled him out. The first touch of her hand...the holding of her hand really made him go crazy. He fell in love with her....I at first sight... He was totally dipped in the drainage water, as his face was totally covered by dirt water, she was not able to recognize his face. After helping him, she went away... But her soft touching of her hand disturbed his mind and was willing to see her again...Days had been passing over, but she did not appear to him... But the thoughts of her were roaming around his mind and was waiting for her hopefully...

One day, he and his mom had to go to meet his mom's friend in Ananthapuram, it's a hill station area. They were going by car. It was raining heavily. Suddenly the tyre got punctured. He got down from the car to change the tyre. While he was changing the tyre, a car passed him splitting dirt water on his face, again his face was totally covered by black dirt water...but he didn't bother. Another car was passing him, he saw the girl in that car and didn't believe his nerves. He tried to call her, she gave a look at him from the car and laughed at him by seeing his joker face covered with black dirt water. Even this time also, she was unable to recognize his face...

The story was going on like that...

But the twist was that, she was the daughter of his mom's friend. He felt he was very lucky....He loved her more than anything in the world..He was even ready to sacrifice his life for her..He loved her a lot. When he was trying to propose her, eventhough she was ready to accept his love, she was hesitated to say yes because she was already engaged with some other guy... by hearing this, he was mentally disturbed.

What will happen next? I don't want to say the rest of the story...because writing won't get you the right feeling, as I felt. This was a telugu movie named 'Vaana' which I've watched in this morning. The climax of this movie really made me to cry. I liked the climax very well. I'm feeling bad for not seeing this movie till now....

Watch the climax of this movie...but sorry for not getting the original print of this clipping...its a telugu movie...I know all cannot understand this language...but as soon as possible I'll write each diologue of this clipping.....

I would like to say few words about love.... would be a great treasurable experience....we should respect love...don't try to crash it, don't try to spoil it. Please don't cheat anyone and don't be cheated by anyone.... We should try to keep up our words if we make promises.... If you don't have time to love, please don't love anyone, enjoy your individual life happily without making promises... Because it is a union between two hearts, and don't let it end till the death.....

Life is short....
They say it takes a minute
to find a special person,
an hour to appreciate them,
a day to love them,
but then an entire life to forget them........

Tell me some of your opinions about..... "To love someone is a not a great thing, but in some situations, sacrificing that love is a great thing" how far this sentence is true....
let me know some different opinions from different people......

Saturday, June 6, 2009

nice day

It's great feeling when the climate supports me to refresh my mind. I can sense the coolness going into my heart. But I know, it suddenly will split up. :p

When I was small, I thought that all are good in this world. But it's not true... sometimes some unexpected are good and sometimes some expected are not good. I hope to go in a good working order. So I don't worry about what it might be or what will happen and when it will happen, just to enjoy it when it does.

When I was studying in my school, in every parents meeting, the teachers were used to say, be like her by pointing me. My mom and dad were very proud of me and in the same way they were wondered, coz' at home I was very silly girl, at the same time, at school I was very calm and silent. I used to maintain only less friends with more trustable, in the theory like, less luggage is more comfortable.... so, less friends are more trustable. And my friends were also liking to make friendship with me. And my communication with those friends are still going on good. So sweet of them!

Wow! the climate is very cool.... feeling very pleasant...
I'm feeling like, why don't this climate want to be cool forever like this....
I have only less time to spend infront of my system....