Friday, March 20, 2009


Parents proudly take the road to medical and engineering institutions for their children and find dignity in it. It's a dream project to them to get a professional college seat and for the girl / boy, a great achievement. They spend their entire energy to secure top level ranks to get through.

Unfortunately the present professional trend in the colleges has been disappointedly altered and the ragging has become a menace. The fresh entrants are subjected to get injured or hospitalised or disabled due to the ragging done by the senior students. Sexual and physical abuse has become rampant in the name of ragging leading to suicidal attempts. This has given ragging a criminal touch. There are incidents too of deaths by head injuries and other injuries.

Taking serious note of the alarming rise in the incidence the Supreme Court had to give directions to the educational institutions in order to take the stringent anti ragging measures like slapping criminal cases against the erring students and set rules to display the punishment list in their notice boards.

The theme of ragging in the medical and engineering institutions is difficult to be defined but said to be an interaction between the freshers and the senior students that initiates affinity and attention towards the institution where the duration of the course is longer.

The fresher tends to be hesitant and home sick and he primarily needs companionship to get accommodated to the new atmosphere and the senior will fulfill this.The senior students will guide the fresh ones making them aware of new things which they were not used to.......earlier when they were in their native villages. The freshers will shed off their backwardness in the association with the seniors.The campus is like a new world to the freshers which they have never known before and they are going to stay there together with their classmates and senior colleagues for pretty long years till the completion of the course .

The roll of the seniors is constructive shaping up the behavioral aspects in the juniors and also in extracting their extra curricular talents. The hidden talents are first identified during the ragging. All the singers, actors,players and athletes participating in the intercollegiate meets are brought into lime light by the seniors only.

There is a great transformation to the studenthood here in style like good dressing, walking and table manners. Behind all these there is influence of none but senior students. The seniors give books and materials. They give suggestions in library.

The tradition goes on like this.

But the changing trends in the ragging have reached a point that it should be curbed immediately and put fullstop to the tradition. Many changes in the society........ many changes in the mentalities.... Number of colleges have been increased thereby the number of seats. Merit was the measure then. Filling the seats is the criteria now. Ranks are not necessary.

Time passers are entering the colleges. Ego complexes and intolerances are ruling the campuses.....lot of change in the students' psychology. They are setting new tunes. The theme of ragging is changed and the shape has gone. It is disfigured. Envy and caste equations are also playing.

Now the ragging has become cancerous to any educational institutions. Though they are displaying the list of punishments in the notice boards the ragging is continuing. The cancer must be surgically removed. The remedy too should arise from the same place where the problem originated. Hence the educational institutions only should act upon this.

This needs a great deal of commitment on the part of the institutions. They will have to identify the ragging gangs and send them out of the colleges. The institutions should not compromise with the income and the influence from the ragging gangs. The management of the colleges must lay their hawk eyes and eliminate the raggers permanently from the institutions. They must form a regular machinery in the colleges for this task. When the computer gets virus we scan and eliminate the virus.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm a frequent overnight traveller in Volvo buses to Hyderabad from Visakhapatnam. This always throws into a hell of head-splitting experience to me - Thanks to the entertainment themes of the Volvo bus services.
Their choicest loud and ear piercing sounds untill the late in the nights brings the feeling of taking us to the guillotine. We choose night travelling hoping of relaxing journeys. On the contrary, they never turn off the DVD despite our pleas for the same. The speaker output is of third rate quality and one cannot escape. They never consider even to decrease the volume.
We have no choice but to follow the movie in the DVD. Those senseless violent scenes and semi-clothed dance sequences are ready to amuse us.
The care taker of the Volvo promptly switches of the lights soon the bus starts, as if he is waiting for the oppurtunity and starts playing the DVD. Then starts the torture. This goes till the date changes.
We are never allowed to sleep peacefully and no maintenance of silence. Who asked for this kind of entertainment during sleeping hours!!??